all of you

Take a deep breath, beautiful. You and all of your light, your dark, your mess is safe here. 

my signature program

Nourish all of yourself   //   Feel all of yourself   //   Accept all of yourself   //    Express all of yourself   //   Love all of yourself   //   NOURISH ALL OF YOURSELF   //   FEEL ALL OF YOURSELF   //   ACCEPT ALL OF YOURSELF   //   EXPRESS ALL OF YOURSELF   //   LOVE ALL OF YOURSELF  //  NOURISH ALL OF YOURSELF   //   FEEL ALL OF YOURSELF   //  ACCEPT ALL OF YOURSELF   //   EXPRESS ALL OF YOURSELF    //   LOVE ALL OF YOURSELF   //   NOURISH ALL OF YOURSELF   //   FEEL ALL OF YOURSELF   //   ACCEPT ALL OF YOURSELF   //   EXPRESS ALL OF YOURSELF   //   LOVE ALL OF YOURSELF

You’re just plain done with going through the motions, not feeling fully alive, never feeling present in your body.

Or because you feel completely disconnected from your emotions and numbness isn't the way you want to spend your life. 

Maybe you’re here because sensuality, desire and pleasure feel like an exotic country you haven’t visited in years but are longing to return to.

Or because you don’t know how to stop feeling small, unworthy or less-than.  

Maybe you’re here because you’ve done the talk therapy and the mindset work but you're still repeating the same patterns and feel the same wounds activating again and again.

maybe you're here because...

Feeling whole, alive and Radiant, experiencing the most delicious pleasure, living in your boldest confidence and potential...

it's all possible.

I created All of You to facilitate your journey

From boxed-in to overflowing

From thinking and doing to feeling and being

From self-critical to self-loving

From disconnected to embodied

From numb to turned-on

This 4 or 8 month experience is a co-creative journey of healing and self-exploration.

Combining coaching, healing breath journeys and myriad other embodiment and mindset practices.

to deepen

this is your invitation

to soften

to open

You can’t rush your healing, but with safety, grounding and a systematic approach to deactivating and integrating blockages and wounding, I facilitate profound change in a relatively short period.

Our time together will feel spacious, gentle and yet deeply impactful.

In my years coaching, facilitating and teaching, and of course in my own ongoing journey, I’ve realised that trying to heal just through talking and thinking simply doesn't have the lasting power of combining this approach with deep access healing tools.

This work will spiral outwards to touch every area of your life and I intend that it allows you to feel to the depths and breadths of your emotions and humanity, that it allows you to live more bravely than ever before and to be in a constant creation of a life you are borderline-disbelievingly-grateful to be living. 

All of You is a unique experience thanks to my holistic approach to healing utilising rapidly transformational coaching and deep-access embodiment and somatic tools



stripping back
  • Learning the energetic and physiological properties of feminine desire and feminine energy
  • Starting to own your desires and your pleasure
  • Bringing pleasure and sensuality into the day to day
  • Connecting to womb wisdom, creative power and intuition
  • Finding your unique expression and flavour of divine feminine power
  • Liberating the body through movement

embodied feminine

  • Identifying energetic and emotional blockages
  • Foundations of embodied emotional experience
  • Deepening the felt-sense
  • Experiencing emotional fluidity
  • Welcoming all parts of yourself, all emotions
  • Understanding and working with numbness and emotional shutdown

emotional liberation

  • Healing your relationship with your body image
  • Learning to hear and honour your body’s needs instead of objectifying and demanding it to perform
  • Intuitive eating (also working with emotional eating/binge eating)
  • Understanding your sacred cycle and hormones and how to support this through your lifestyle
  • Finding joy in your relationship to movement

Let’s take a closer look at what our time together will cover

safety & heart

  • Foundational grounding and nervous system regulation tools
  • Learning how to create and experience safety on a somatic (bodily) level
  • Grounding into radical self-love
  • Activating and unblocking the heart for greater experiences of love
  • Rewriting our inner-child's story around love
  • Starting to safely and lovingly connect with your body and sensuatliy

activation & aliveness

  • Leaning into play and what makes you feel alive
  • Addressing patterns, shame, trauma or any other blockages that act as a barrier to your pleasure
  • Embracing the sex-positive wild-woman within
  • Holistic approaches to sex
  • Pleasure tools to enhance your bliss
  • How to continue to integrate and grow with what you've learned

Coaching 5: Feminine energetics
Breath Journey 5: Womb energy
Coaching 6: Daily pleasure
Breath Journey 6: Powerful feminine

month 3: embodied feminine

Coaching 3: Embodiment foundations
Breath Journey 3: Blockages release
Coaching 4: Emotional fluidity
Breath Journey 4: A new story

month 2: Emotional liberation

Coaching 1: Deep dive space setting
Breath Journey 1: Safe in the body
Coaching 2: Heart activation
Breath Journey 2: Opening to love

month 1: safety & heart

All of You will have plenty of space to co-create the journey and pace to your needs, but will roughly follow the structure below:


Coaching 7: What makes you feel alive
Breath Journey 7: Lust & wild-woman
Coaching 8: Pleasure tools
Breath Journey 8: Closing journey

month 4: activation & aliveness

This is the structure for the 4 month program. if doing weekly sessions feels too intense or doesn't fit with your schedule, the 8 month option is exactly the same journey, but with two months per topic and sessions every other week. 

Side effects of All of You may include

A greater capacity to feel your emotions

Less fear speaking up

Less people-pleasing tendencies

Fewer headaches and more energy

Fewer bladder issues (if you struggle with this)

Reduced stress

Richer personal relationships

The best sex of your life




in full

€555 monthly

I am committed to making my work accessible to those who will greatly benefit from it. If you are unable to make the full investment in the program, i can offer price reductions or amended programs where needed and where appropriate.

in full


VITA Sex, Love and Relationship Coach

 300 Hour Breathwork and Vinyasa Yoga Training - The Vinyasa People

200 Hour Tantra Hatha Yoga Training - Zuna Yoga

Hormonal Health Coach - Institute Integrative Nutrition

Holistic Health Coach - Institute Integrative Nutrition

Natural foods chef - Natural Gourmet Institute, New York

my qualifications

I have coached, taught and facilitated for hundreds of clients and I know how to powerfully hold space for you as you learn to heal yourself. 

I never put myself on a pedestal over my clients. You are the expert on you and you will have the deciding word at every step of your journey (don’t worry, that doesn’t mean it will feel like work). I support my clients with a steady, calm and loving presence and I have years of training and experience to inform our work together. 

The style I work in allows for my clients to express themselves fully and openly with zero fear of judgement.

I am thoroughly committed to continuously learning and evolving in my own journey, in how I work and what I offer.

Why work with me?

frequently asked questions

frequently asked questions

Outside of unlimited coaching sessions and breath journeys, you will have an online resources portal where I will provide various resources such as guided audio practices (often recorded live on our sessions so they're fully customised to you), written summaries or journaling prompts.

What else do you provide to support my journey?


In the four month program especially, it's to be expected that one or both or us will take holiday and one or both of us will be ill. Don't worry, you'll get all of your coaching sessions and breath journeys, as long as you use them within 6 weeks of the end of the program.

what if we miss a weekly session?


While we will have a contract committing to the full length of the program, if we agree that for whatever reason it’s not right for us to continue working together, you’ll only need to pay for the pro-rata share of the work we’ve done together. 

What if I join the program and I realise it’s not for me?


I love therapy and if you are suffering from severe mental health issues, I require that my clients are in therapy or have a physician overseeing their mental wellbeing. Talk therapy is wonderful to understand the why behind who we are and what we do/think/feel. It doesn't, however, heal the deep primal and emotional wounds and patterns, meaning we are more self-aware but still stuck.

Why shouldn't I just go to therapy?


I know that for the women it’s meant for, it will be life changing.  

All of You is the culmination of everything I have learned through my work and everything I have experienced in my own journey of healing.

If you feel this is what you’ve been looking for, if you feel like I might be the right companion on this journey, you can book in a complimentary, no-obligation connection call or get in touch.